Thursday, January 25, 2024

Even More Celebrating in January

January 19 was Whisper "I Love You" Day. I whispered it. I tried whispering while texting but it didn't translate over very well. I had to explain to Jeremy that what I was writing was whispered.
It was also National Popcorn Day but we were so busy that we celebrated National Popcorn Day Observed. Jeremy tried some new flavors of popcorn seasoning (at the same time but in different bowls). Thank you, Jeremy.

January 20 was Penguin Awareness Day. Lucky created a slide show of penguins to the music, "Ride of the Valkyries," and called it "Ride of the Penguins."
The kids watched Penguins: Spy in the Huddle that day. It's become tradition when we can manage it. We also ate fish sticks which is also tradition because penguins eat fish.
January 21 was National Hugging Day. You better believe there was hugging. It was also Granola Bar Day and people did indeed eat granola bars.
January 22 was National Hot Sauce Day. I made baked mac 'n' cheese that had sauce in it and added cooked ground beef that needed to be used. #shelfcooking
We also took our last baguette and Jeremy made garlic bread out of it. 
That evening for FHE treat, we had cake batter blondies for Blonde Brownie Day but we didn't have white chocolate chips and I wasn't going to go to the store for them so I used regular chocolate chips and Jr. called them "brunettes." Heh Heh.

January 23 was National Pie Day. We celebrated that one observed because I was too tired at the end of the night but when we did celebrate it observed, we had vanilla pudding pie with pumpkin pie ice cream on it like we did for Thanksgiving. I forgot to take a picture but I put a picture of our Thanksgiving pie and ice cream on my blog January 2 of this year.
January 24 was National Compliment Day. Lucky and I gave each other compliments. It was also National Peanut Butter Day. Jet had peanut butter on a tortilla. He loves that.

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