Saturday, January 25, 2020

Penguin Awareness Day 2020

January 20 was Penguin Awareness Day. Since the kids had that day off school, Jeremy took the two oldest on a birding field trip to look for gulls
At home, Lucky helped out by doing laundry without complaining so I let him watch Penguins Spy in the Huddle. He had so much fun making me aware of things he was learning while watching the video. I love it.
Jr. Jr. made a penguin out of play-doh. Lucky helped take pictures of it.
Later on, we ate our traditional fish sticks since penguins eat fish.

On a different note, that evening we went over to have Family Home Evening with the couple who were helping us get ready for the Book of Mormon in 2020. We talked about Lehi and Nephi and their family. They sent us home with some scripture figures that we can use in our scripture study and Family Home Evenings.
One of the things that happened in Lehi's family was that Nephi was commanded by the Lord to build a boat so they could cross the ocean. His brothers Laman and Lemuel murmured and told him it was a bad idea. There's a great Primary song about this called "Nephi's Courage." You can find the account of Nephi building the boat in 1 Nephi Chapter 17 of the Book of Mormon, which can be found in the scriptures section of (it used to be known as, which I have mentioned that name in previous blog posts).

Anyway, at one point Nephi showed his brothers that he was filled with the power of God by reaching out and shocking them- enough so they wouldn't continue doubting who the command came from about building the boat.
We had our own shocking activity. The boys took turns sliding down the stairs on mattresses that were set up. As they slid, they built up a static charge so that they could shock whoever was at the bottom waiting. Later, they were able to send balls down as well. They had a blast and I of course enjoyed the social time chatting while they were playing.
It was a pretty good day I'd say.

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