Friday, March 13, 2015

National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day 2015

National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day is always on March 13.  This year it is also on Friday the 13th.
We did something a little different to celebrate.  We put together a youtube video about different superstitions like opening an umbrella indoors, walking under a ladder, etc.  Things considered unlucky.
I didn't take pictures since we were taking videos but it was fun.
Here is a list of the things we acted out for the video:
Opening an umbrella indoors (we try to do that every year for this holiday)
Saying the title of the play, "Macbeth," in a theatre (we made our own little curtain from some PVC and a sheet)
Saying "Good luck" instead of "Break a leg" when someone is going onstage to perform
Walking under a ladder (we used the kids bunk bed ladder and the kids walked behind it- close enough)
A black cat crossing your path (Jeremy made a balloon cat for us since we didn't have access to a real black cat)
Spilling salt (you're supposed to throw some over your shoulder when you spill it)
Breaking a mirror (I specifically went to the Dollar Store to get a mirror we could break for this video.  I happened to get a double set with a little compact mirror bonus.  The kids did not want me to break the bigger mirror.  They just wanted to play with it.  Finally I just took the compact mirror and broke it instead)

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