Sunday, July 28, 2024

Our Vacation, Thy Creations, and Our Relations- Part 12

Road Trip!
Jeremy's parents and we met up with Jeremy's brother and his family at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. Jet really enjoyed it.
"Fish in the water. Look at the cool baby fish."
"Look at the crab."
Touch pools are always fun. Jet learned to be gentle with the starfish.
The animal show was fun, too. It's hard to get an in-focus shot of a vulture when it's flying right at you, though. 
We didn't get to see any puffins in the wild during our coast trips but we were able to watch them at the zoo.
We got closer looks at common murres, too, which we did see out in the wild.
We always get a picture with the gorilla statue at Hogle Zoo so it's fun when we can get a picture with Ivan. If you've read (or watched) The One and Only Ivan, the statue at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium is of that gorilla.

Uncles and cousins are so fun. 
1,2,3, Whee!
Jet really took to his cousins. He did not want to be separated from them. So much so that when it was time for them to go home to get things ready for us to visit their house after the zoo, he was in tears, hand outstretched, crying for his cousins. Ahhhh.

After the zoo we did indeed visit them at their house and Jet loved meeting their ducks and helping feed them.
He also helped collect eggs.
Jr. Jr. helped, too, including cleaning. Thanks, boys.
Back at Jeremy's parents' house, we celebrated Eat Your Jello Day on July 12 and were tuckered out after another full fun day.

I'll share more of our wonderful vacation later.

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