Monday, July 29, 2024

Our Vacation, Thy Creations, and Our Relations- Part 13

Road Trip!
Goodbye, Grandma and Grandpa. Goodbye, evergreen filled mountains. Goodbye, Washington.
Welcome to Oregon.
Welcome to Idaho.
Hello, Snake River.
Welcome to Utah.
We made it to our final destination- home. Hooray! Sigh.
Traveling all day kept us from celebrating Embrace Your Geekness Day on July 13 (though we did listen to video game music on the drive) so we celebrated it the next day "observed." We like to call it Embrace Your Geek Day. I even wore my Mario shirt.

I have no more of our wonderful vacation to share. It really was wonderful, though. We got to enjoy the vacation, God's creations, and spent some good quality time with our relations. I'm so glad Jeremy got a real vacation instead of just a few days off. It was awesome!

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