Monday, July 15, 2024

A Fun Saturday

Remember how I mentioned we were getting ready for a trip? Well... in the midst of it all, I kind of took a Saturday off. It was only going to be a morning then spontaneity hit.
That Saturday before our trip, Jeremy, several of the kids, and I went out looking for bobolinks. We didn't find any. We found plenty of other birds including a lot of snipes so we got some new good snipe pictures. I never see snipes when I go on a snipe hunt but when I don't go looking for them...
We also saw quite a few marmots as we often do in that area.
The sandhill cranes were pretty photogenic as well.
After we got back, Jeremy and Jr. went out to help friends move. While they were gone, I got a text from my friend, Stephanie, inviting me last minute to go see a play that her friend was in. Jeremy was okay with it so off I went and didn't do as much getting ready for the trip. But I had a blast.
Three of us drove up to Salt Lake together and met another there to watch the play, The Importance of Being Earnest at Parker Theatre. When my oldest two heard which play I was going to, they absolutely encouraged me to go. They've both read the play. 
I love the theatre. It was such a fun production. We chatted with Stephanie's friend afterward who was in the play. She was so fun to watch in it. So expressive in a humorous way, which the part called for.
After the play, the four of us spectators (audience members?) went up the street to Salt Lake Chinatown (did you know Salt Lake City had a Chinatown?) to try some new foods and had a great time getting to know each other better.
That afternoon/evening was just what I needed.
And I still eventually got ready for our trip. Tee Hee.
P.S. That night I spent a bit of time outside taking photos of the Strawberry Moon.

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