Monday, July 22, 2024

Our Vacation, Thy Creations, and Our Relations- Part 7

The last couple days in Oregon with my parents (and brothers), we celebrated the 4th of July
and Jeremy and I got out for a little alone time- shopping to get ready for our trip to Washington then a picnic. The picnic was most relaxing. I love time in nature with my husband.

My mom let us girls wear cute necklaces for the 4th. She's a sweetie.

Jet loved watching the fireworks my brother set off on the 4th of July. It was fun to watch him watching them.

The day after, besides bonding time with Jeremy, my mom and I had some "dryer talk." We had been doing laundry and had turned on the dryer then just stood there and chatted for a while leaning against the dryer.
While packing up the van, Jeremy and some of the boys had fun with bamboo. You can blow into bamboo to make music and it's strong enough you can lift a little one.
I'll share more of our wonderful vacation later.

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