Saturday, July 20, 2024

Our Vacation, Thy Creations, and Our Relations- Part 5

Me: Stop distracting me with birds when we're trying to get ready for a trip.
Husband: Stop being distracted by Instagram while we're trying to get ready for a trip.
Ha. Ha. I was posting about that first interaction outside with the birds.
Road Trip!

Usually when we visit my parents, they plan a trip for us to Shore Acres. This year was no exception. We stopped briefly  to tie the van's shoes, then rode horses down to the beach. Jet had a lot of fun splashing around in the ocean, and even more throwing sand everywhere.
O.K. Now that I have access to my blog again- we did not, in fact, tie the van's shoes, nor did we ride horses anywhere. Jet did, however, have fun splashing in the ocean. He got to a lot more than last year and yes, he did have fun throwing sand everywhere.
O.K. What we stopped briefly to do was to see some birds and seals and sea lions at Cape Arago viewpoint.
Then we ate lunch and tried to get some family pictures in the garden before heading down to the beach.
The sand was so hot and the water was so cold. Lucky once again refused to take his shoes and socks off and luckily didn't get his feet wet this year. Jr. and Jr. Jr. got their feet wet. They took their shoes and socks off first.
Nichole enjoyed sitting on the sand sketching. I love that she does that.
Jeremy took pictures of birds and us and nature. It was so good to have him there this year. As I mentioned before, it had been 8 years since he visited Oregon.
I loved our time together there.
We made it back to our final destination of my parents' house that evening after having a great day out.

I'll share more of our wonderful vacation later.

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