Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Our Vacation, Thy Creations, and Our Relations- Part 2

After staying overnight at my parents' house, we left the next morning to drive to California. The three youngest had never been to California before. I was the only one who had ever been to the Redwoods (when I was little) so we planned a trip there.
Apparently, Jet was ready to walk to California. Tee Hee.
Road Trip!
As we were driving, Jet got upset because he wanted to go back to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had to distract him with music because he wasn't satisfied with us just telling him that we would see Grandma and Grandpa the next day.
We celebrated Paul Bunyan Day, June 28, with big trees.
Welcome to California.
We stopped at Castle Rock in Crescent City, California. 
My dad told me it is the largest nesting area south of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. It was far enough away, we could only see so much but there were certainly a lot of birds. So many.
 Remember to click the pictures to see them larger.
There were also seals and sea lions.
Jet's first time in California.
I waved at the ocean and it waved back. Get it? Tee Hee.
We made it to our destination at a campground at the Redwoods.
We roasted Polish sausages and roasted marshmallows which we put on Keebler fudge stripes cookies (the marshmallows, not the Polish sausages) to make our "s'mores" this time. It's fun to try different things.
Jr. played his guitar and we sang around the campfire. That as well as camping will get us credit for Summer Reading Programs. It's been several years since we went camping. This was Jet's first camping trip.
Nichole did some painting while we were there.
In the tent, the kids played a card game while Jeremy and I tried to get some sleep. We planned to get up early the next morning.

I'll share more of our wonderful vacation later.

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