Friday, July 5, 2024

Father's Day 2024

We did not make Jeremy breakfast for Father's Day this year on June 16. He did request what dinner he wanted including dessert so I have a funny story to tell about his dessert.
He had gotten a recipe for root beer float pie and wanted that so I got up early to make it for him (it is supposed to be in the freezer for so many hours). I had a graham cracker crust from the store because I figured I wouldn't have the time to make a crust from scratch. Sigh. So I made the filling and there was too much to fit in the one pie crust. Ugh. So I realized I needed to make a graham cracker pie crust after all. As I was getting a recipe and making the crust, Jeremy joked that there would be too much for one pie crust so I'd have to make two crusts then I'd need to make more filling and on and on and on. Lo and behold, I ended up with enough graham cracker stuff to make two pie crusts. I ended things by filling the first homemade crust with the rest of the pie filling and putting the other homemade crust in the freezer to use for a different pie later. Ha Ha Ha.
Jeremy didn't complain and he didn't complain about the rest of his dinner, either. He had chicken enchiladas and jalapeno popper egg rolls. Yumm.
Besides the food, I printed some little booklets for the kids to fill out about Jeremy. I got them from Jordan Page at
Of course at church Jeremy wore his Father's Day tie that Jr. decorated for him when he was in Nursery 14 years ago.

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