Thursday, July 11, 2024

More Summer Reading Activities

You know we love doing Summer Reading Program activities with both Orem Library and Provo Library. Some other things we've done lately are these:
The kids and I went to watch a movie at Orem Library. They were playing the 1973 cartoon, Robin Hood. Such a cute movie. 

Another day at another Summer barbecue, they were handing out bubbles so we had a bubble party! They also had sidewalk chalk. Fun.
After that barbecue we went out in nature to do some birding before we went home.

Lucky participated in a tween activity with the Orem Library. It was a Percy Jackson inspired "Camp Half-Blood" where he was able to participate in different activities/events such as archery, capture the flag, a lightning bolt scavenger hunt, even some Percy Jackson trivia. Doing different activities earned him different beads to add to a necklace. Way to go, Lucky.
Summer Reading activities are awesome.

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