Monday, July 1, 2024

Summertime Means...

Summertime means more Summer Reading, of course. One of the things we like to do is Provo Story Trails. Different Provo parks have signs set up that tell a story based on a fairy tale of folktale. It's fun to see the similarities between stories we're familiar with and how they are told in other countries and cultures.
Things have been busy so Lucky, Jet, and I went to one story trail and I went to two more on my own. Luckily there's a new one every week through the end of July so we'll have more opportunities. They are left up for two weeks before being taken down.
The Story of the Five Heads at Lions Park, Maui's Fish or The Creation of New Zealand at Riverside Park, Catherine and Her Destiny at Kiwanis Park.
It's harder getting the start and end pictures when I go by myself. Tee Hee.

Summertime also means fairs and that sometimes means dropping off and picking up Jeremy so he can do balloon animals. Jet and I are big helpers when it comes to supporting Jeremy in this way.

Summertime also means Summer parties. Lucky's school teacher invited all her former students for a little get together at the park next to the school. Lucky had fun connecting with friends, eating treats, and getting to see his teacher again since she won't be his teacher next school year.
When Jet and I went to pick him up, we stayed for a while ourselves and joined in the fun.

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