Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Squeak Squeakers Squeaken

Silly me.  I forgot to mention that besides Penguin Awareness Day, yesterday was also Cheese Lover's Day.  That's why we had cheese on our fish stick sandwiches.
Today, January 21, is Squirrel Appreciation Day.  It is also National Hug Day.  There was plenty of hugging in our home.

To appreciate squirrels, Jeremy and I watched a couple of videos online about squirrels, including one about white squirrels in Olney, Illinois.  We also watched parts of two movies that either mentioned or showed squirrels in them.
The kids earned a movie again.  Jeremy and I were tempted to check out The Sword in the Stone from the library since it has squirrels hugging in it.  However we had been talking about watching The Emperor's New Groove for a while so that's what we checked out.  It has a squirrel in it and as a bonus, in one scene, the squirrel makes a balloon animal.  I appreciate that.
There is some hugging in the movie as well.
When I showed the kids the DVD case, Nichole said she remembered that movie.  It's the one where the emperor gets turned into a donkey.
It was fun to see the incredulous look on Jeremy's face.  He couldn't believe she didn't realize it was a llama.
Later, as we were watching the movie, Jr. mentioned how he was turned into a horse.  Sigh.
It's a good thing it's not Llama Appreciation Day.

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