Friday, January 3, 2014

Chocolate Covered Chair Day

January 3rd is J. R. R. Tolkien's Birthday.  Jeremy was mentioning this to me when this conversation happened-
Mommy:  It's also National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day.
Jr.:  Chocolate Covered Chair Day?
Daddy:  Yeah, we'll cover this chair with chocolate and then we'll eat it.
Jr. Jr.:  Can I get the chocolate and bring it to you?

We didn't get around to eating a chair, thank goodness.  And we didn't eat any chocolate covered cherries, but Jeremy made Tolkien jokes throughout the day.
He took the three older kids to Thanksgiving Point, but before he did, he gave them the option of wearing hats.  He wanted to wear his new hat.  
So out came the box of "special" hats.  He let the kids know they weren't allowed to just get into the box whenever they liked.  It was only at certain times.  He told them he didn't want this to become a "hobbit."  :Har har har.
After Jr. Jr. picked a hat to wear, Jeremy pointed out that there was even an "elf" in their company.
Jeremy brought us some donuts this evening.  While walking in, he mentioned that donuts have holes like hobbits have holes.

He made some more jokes, but I can't remember them right now.

The kids had fun at Thanksgiving Point and Jeremy let me know they were well behaved.  That's a good thing since they've been getting a bit of cabin fever lately.  They needed to get out.  Thank you, Jeremy.  And thank you, kids, for being well behaved.
So that was our celebrating today.
J. R. R. Tolkien's Birthday and National Chocolate Covered Chair Cherry Day.

And now Jeremy and I are watching The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring as I write this blog post.  Earlier we watched Leonard Nimoy's music video, "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins."  Have you seen that one?  It is something.

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