Saturday, January 4, 2014

National Trivia Day 2014

Jeremy had a great idea while we were watching The Lord of the Rings last night.  For National Trivia Day, January 4, I could watch movies that linked to other movies through actors.  Starting with The Fellowship of the Ring, I could watch X-Men with Ian McKellen, or Ratatouille with Ian Holm (though I watched that movie the other day).  I actually came up with a list of movies to watch one right after another to eventually link back to The Lord of the Rings movies.  I was all set to start a certain movie when I got up in the middle of the night with Lucky.  When he woke up I got him and changed his diaper and by the time I got out to the living room, I found Jr. had gotten up and stole my spot on the couch.  So I couldn't watch my movie.  In the morning I slept in and Jeremy let the kids watch a movie.  They ended up watching several movies in the living room while I watched some in my own room.  I never did do the linking thing- though the movies I watched in my room were all Doris Day movies.
So to celebrate National Trivia Day, I ate some oatmeal.  The packets of instant oatmeal we have have pieces of trivia on the back.  Ta-Da.
And here is a little piece of trivia for you:  What actor was in both The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring that we watched last night and Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lighting Thief which we watched tonight?
Sean Bean.  He played Boromir and Zeus.

Happy National Trivia Day.

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