Monday, January 20, 2014

Penguin Awareness Day 2014

Are you "aware" that today, January 20, is Penguin Awareness Day.
We made the kids "aware" of what movie they would earn if they cleaned the living room- Surf's Up.
Jr., who was concentrating on reading, missed what was going on when we explained to Nichole and Jr. Jr. about earning the movie.  I asked him if he was "aware" of what was going on.  I also asked him if he knew what "aware" meant.  I explained that "aware" basically means "know."  So if you're "aware" of something, you "know" about it.  You know, for all those other 6-year olds who read my blog.  Now you're "aware" of this new vocabulary word.
I made Jeremy "aware" that besides Surf's Up, Mary Poppins also has penguins in it.
Jeremy asked me if I was "aware" that there was a penguin beak in the trash can.  It was from a balloon penguin that was thrown away recently.
Jeremy also made the kids "aware" that some of the books we have are published by the Penguin Group.  Nichole made us "aware" that she was already "aware" that some of her books were Penguin Books.
I asked Jr. Jr. if he was "aware" of what penguins eat.  Jr. helped him become "aware" that penguins eat fish.  So for dinner, we had fish sticks (like we have every year for this holiday), but this time we made them into sandwiches.  Yumm.

I think this year we definitely spread "penguin awareness" in our home.

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