Monday, January 27, 2014

Chocolate Bubble Wrap

January 27 is National Chocolate Cake Day.  Nichole brought home some leftover chocolate cake from a party she went to on Saturday so she, Jr., and Jr. Jr. all had pieces of chocolate cake today.

January 27 is also Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.  This is where the real celebrating came in for us.  We have a roll of bubble wrap for mailing things and for the occasional popping (it's pretty irresistible, isn't it?).  We cut some pieces for the kids and let them go at it.  

After hearing the sounds the popping made, Nichole said, "Sounds like slap bands."  You know those bracelets that are flat then you hit them against your arm and they curl around your wrist.  That's what popping bubble wrap sounds like.
Jr. Jr. came up to me with his bubble wrap and said, "Should I pop bubbles so you can hear the sound it makes?"  I said he should.
Jr. wondered what it would be like to step on it with his boots.  He brought one of his boots over and pushed on the bubble wrap with it to pop the bubbles.
Jeremy shared this with us:
"I like bubbles.  I like 'em a lot.
Now you know how I feel about bubbles so my song is gonna stop."
That was his "Bubble Rap."

Bubble Wrap.  I appreciate it.

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