Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Our Vacation, Thy Creations, and Our Relations- Part 1

Let me tell you about the best vacation I've had in a long time. I love Jeremy's suggestion for the title of the post.
First off, let me mention that the last couple times the kids and I went to Oregon (last year then 5 years before that), Jeremy was not able to go with us so it had been 8 years since he had been in Oregon. Both times without him we kept things kind of chill and didn't do a lot except of course to go to Shore Acres last year and on a near to where my parents live nature trail both times. Tradition.
When we went to Washington both times Jeremy flew in then drove back with us, last year only getting a few days there.
This year, Jeremy took enough work off that he had a real vacation. And it was wonderful. 
The day before we left as we were packing our car top carrier, it started sprinkling. We had to get our tarp out of the trunk to cover it up "just in case." It's a good thing we did because it started pouring down. Heh heh. Jet and I got soaked then I had to wash our clothes because we were wearing some of what we were going to wear on the trip. Heh Heh. Jet was very happy to play in the rain and I figured he deserved to. The rain felt really good, cooling things down after it had been hot for a while.
The next morning we packed our wet tarp back in the trunk along with the rest of our trip stuff and headed out in the rain.

Road Trip!
Waving at my sister as we passed by on the freeway.
Welcome to Idaho.
Waving at my mom's hometown.
Waving at our friends' home as we passed by on the freeway.

We weren't quick enough to get a picture of the "Welcome to Oregon" sign as we crossed the Snake River so I got creative.
Apparently the doll head made the trip with us and kept popping up in different places.
We made sure to celebrate on the drive. National Sunglasses Day and National Handshake Day were both on June 27.
We finally reached our final destination at my parents' house in Oregon.
I'll share more of our wonderful vacation later.

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