Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sometimes It's Too Easy

I've mentioned before about combining celebrations, when two holidays or reasons to celebrate fall on the same day.  Sometimes it's a stretch like reading subtitles on a Star Trek movie (Jeremy and I watched the 4th movie, in case you were wondering) to celebrate the anniversary of when the original show aired and to celebrate International Literacy Day.  And sometimes holidays seemed to be made for each other- National Peanut Day and International Chocolate Day are both on September 13.
And sometimes certain holidays don't always fall on the same day, but when they do, you have to celebrate them together.  Like today.

September 9 is always Wonderful Weirdos Day.  This year, September 9 is also Grandparent's Day.  Oh yeah.  I cannot pass up this opportunity.
So, let me tell you a little bit about the wonderful weirdos grandparents in our family.

This summer we had the opportunity to visit our last living grandparent/our children's great grandparent.  Jr. Jr. and she became instant friends.  Plenty of fist bumps between the two.

We also got to visit both sets of our children's grandparents.  That was fun. 

You know, grandparents are-

-Always there with a knee to sit on, a hand to hold, or just as someone to lean on 

-Willing to help out, even if it means holding popsicle sticks or shoes while you play
-Ready to feed you when you come to visit
and will teach your mom how to bake a pie to feed you when you get home
-Willing to give service, whether it is decorating a cake for your birthday, 

helping light the candles outside in the breeze,
or sewing something for your dad (thanks to both grandmas for this, even though I only have a picture of one).

-Ready to give Mom and Dad a break and push the stroller, 
 even if at times it's a little inconvenient.

 -Willing to teach you new tricks
-Ready to play with and entertain you.

-Happy to teach you the value of hard work

-The ones who taught your parents everything they know.

So thanks, Grandparents.  You're the most wonderful weirdos there are.

1 comment:

  1. These were absolutely fantastic pictures and comments. We're proud to be weirdo grandparents.
