Saturday, September 1, 2012

Let the September Celebrating Begin

It's September!  The first day!  Today we celebrated Johann Pachelbel's birthday.  Jr. suggested we have cake and ice cream to celebrate.  And we just so happened to have extra left over from Jr.'s birthday.  So, the kids had cake and ice cream and called out, "Happy Birthday, Pachelbel!"

Then we listened to and played some of Pachelbel's Canon in D on my birthday/Mother's Day present.

And we watched The Piano Guys version on YouTube.
We also celebrated the beginning of the Million Minute Family Challenge.  We played several games together to start us off.

September came in like a lion (wasn't that supposed to be March?  Half a year ago?), so we celebrated by watching and listening to thunder and lightning, rain, hail, and the neighbors scrambling around out in it.
Welcome, September!

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