Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Penguin Awareness Day

Penguin Awareness Day was on January 20. We had our traditional fish sticks with tartar sauce or vanilla pudding.
Lucky made us aware that anytime he is in a group at school, he convinces his group to have a group name with the word "penguins" in it.
Jet wore pajamas with penguins on them.
We like penguins and Penguin Awareness Day.

Monday, January 30, 2023

The Story Behind the Photo

Sometimes it is fun to stage a photo for celebrating holidays.
Last year for March 8th's holidays for example, Nichole and I were in a picture with a bunch of things that represented International Women's Day, National Oregon Day, Kenneth Grahame's birthday, and National Proofreading Day.
This year January 19 was National Popcorn Day, Brew a Potion Day, Edgar Allen Poe's Birthday, and Whisper "I Love You" Day. We took a photo to celebrate.
This photo kind of evolved. We talked about taking a picture with popcorn and hot chocolate. Eventually we figured out Jr. would have the bowl of popcorn, would be reading an Edgar Allen Poe book, and Lucky would have hot chocolate in a cup that read, "Demented Potion." At the last second, Jr. Jr. photobombed the picture just perfectly by sliding in the back while whispering, "I love you." It was awesome. And his face. Love it.
So that is the story behind this photo.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Challenge Accepted and Challenge Completed

Challenge Accepted:
My son's Sunday School teachers challenged him to read the entire New Testament in a short amount of time so after church that day he got right to work.
The best part is he kept coming to tell me about parts that reminded him of discussions we've had in our home. I'm so happy he wanted to share and I'm proud of him for not only reading it but getting something out of it.

Challenge Completed:
He finished reading the entire New Testament in two weeks. Way to go, son.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Some January Fun... That Hasn't Already Been Mentioned

Sometimes you just have to dance to the music. In this case it was music from Singin' in the Rain. In fact, I think it was the song, "Singin' in the Rain."  

January 15 was National Bagel Day. Breakfast sandwiches for dinner? Yes, please.
Live long and prosper.
January 16 was Appreciate a Dragon Day. Nichole wore her new dragon-themed shirt and her new dragon earrings and as is tradition, she sketched a dragon.
She and the boys also played "toss" with the dragon that she made in elementary school. 

January 17 was Popeye Day. We had food with spinach for dinner including Popeye brand spinach.
One way to get exercise in during the Winter. Roll the ball down the hall and chase it.

January 18 was Winnie-the-Pooh Day. We had honey roasted carrots with our dinner. I also made granola that day but used maple syrup instead of honey because I wasn't thinking and we had syrup we needed to use up.

Sometimes in life, you just have to stop and play with monster trucks. Did you know that because they're "monster" trucks, they roar?
And this...

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Don't Forget Your Panda Slippers

I don't know if you remember. I blogged about it back on January 11, 2016. Little Lucky at the time wanted a whole bunch of blankets on him and it reminded me of the junk lady on Labyrinth.
Recently, Jet reminded me of that incidence when he brought me a whole bunch of toys and stuffed animals and kept piling them on me.
It was pretty cute.

Monday, January 23, 2023

We Are Birders

Jeremy, Nichole, and I all took on the 2022 challenge for Utah County Birders. This time it was seeing at least 22 species in as many different counties in Utah as possible and going to field trips and to UCB meetings.
Jeremy went out a few times on his own and with the family. I went out a few times on my own and with the kids (remember 2-22-22?). Jeremy and I went on field trips together. Nichole and I went on field trips together. At times our whole family went out together (Snow Goose Festival, anyone? Spring Break at the lek?).
Jeremy reached the Silver level and got a bird box (owl or kestrel). Nichole and I both reached the Bronze level. I got a birding calendar. Nichole got a photo print of a bird.
We got our awards and certificates at the first of the year meeting at the Golden Corral. It's been a few years since we've been able to meet like that there. Last time was January of 2020 when I stayed home with a new baby and Jeremy took Nichole and Jr.

Oh, I love birding and I love Utah County Birders. It was so good to see birding friends again and to see some new birders. I love it.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

I Like Living in Utah

So much to catch up on again. You know what that means.
Time for a picture of the sky.
This one has a lovely mountain in the picture as well. And some clouds. And a tree.
Oh it's beautiful. It's a beautiful place to live.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day 2023

I wasn't going to do hot pastrami sandwiches for Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day this year but when I mentioned it was coming up on January 14, Jr. got excited. "I love hot pastrami sandwiches." Well, you know I couldn't disappoint him so I bought pastrami when I went to the store and we had hot pastrami sandwiches for that holiday.
It's amazing how our kids will latch onto certain traditions that I personally could skip some years but if they want them...
Jeremy and I talk about how it might be like when our children move out and are living with roommates. "What? Your family doesn't celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day? I thought everyone did." We've been celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Day for so many years. Our traditions for celebrating it have changed over the years but it's a great holiday to celebrate. But really, not everyone celebrates it.
Do you?

Saturday, January 14, 2023

But Before Friday the 13th...

I told you it's been chaos.
I failed to blog about Peculiar People Day which was on January 10. When I told everyone that holiday was coming up but I only had orange soda on the menu plan so far, Jr. jumped in suggesting we have green jello with carrot shavings. Nichole suggested we have honey garlic chicken for our main dish. She pointed out that we always happen to have that dish when she has an event so she either has to eat it later or only has time to eat a small amount. Well, it just so happened she did have something going on that night but I was able to make dinner early enough she was able to get enough to eat before she and I left.

She was getting recognition and a certificate for having some art up in the school district offices. Apparently it was a piece she did in art class her sophomore year that her teacher submitted to the district art show.

We had quite the weather on the way up (luckily we made it in time) and on the way back. It was a very rainy night and reminded me of Oregon Winters. 
Nichole is taking digital photography again so she's supposed to be taking pictures. She used my phone to get some pictures as we traveled home in that weather.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday the 13th

Well, it's Friday the 13th. Life is pretty much chaos right now in our home. Goes well for the holiday, doesn't it? 
Take now for example. I'm trying to write this blog post. Jet (and a dinosaur) is sitting on my lap and I'm trying to see around him.

The boys won't go to sleep. It's been a long day. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep myself. In fact, I keep dozing off.
Time to end this.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Busy and Tired

We've been so busy lately and I'm so tired. I've been sitting here for maybe an hour intending to write a blog post and I keep falling asleep. Lucky knows. He's been sitting with me for most of it.

Jet was around as well then the older kids came home from their youth activities and Jr. Jr. came in to where we were. He started making faces at Jet and Jet took off to go play with him. 
O.K. That's enough of that. I need sleep.
The End

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Then More Happened

We had that nice break in the weather then we had more storms.
Besides the storms, plenty of other things happened.
On National Bird Day, January 5, I watched The Big Year while folding laundry. I did not go out birding.
On National Cuddle Up Day, January 6, I got to cuddle up with a couple of my kids. Jet fell asleep while we cuddled up on the couch earlier in the day and took a nice nap. 
Lucky cuddled up with me that night and fell asleep on my bed.
Jeremy brought home French bread and we made it into French bread taco pizza with taco meat and refried beans for National Bean Day that same day.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Ooh, Pretty

We've had a lot of snowy weather lately.
We had a break in the weather today which gave us some beautiful looks at the mountains again. Ooh, pretty.

Then tonight for dinner we had spaghetti for National Spaghetti Day, January 4.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Year of Miracles

We've decided 2023 is going to be a year of miracles. And not just for us. Miracles will happen for many this year.

We have some big stresses going on right now. The year has barely begun but we're already seeing blessings along with the stress.

It's going to be okay. Through it all, we know that Heavenly Father loves us and is watching out for us. And knowing that really matters.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Dead Fish

I asked Jr. Jr. what was the deal with the dead fish on his shirt. He told me he put it on New Year's Eve so he could start the year off with a dead fish.


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.
Toasting the new year with sparkling cider and "starting the year off on the right foot." 
They woke me up for this. Then we all went to bed.
That's a fake unhappy look from Lucky. Pretty good, though.