Thursday, January 6, 2022

National Whipped Cream Day 2022

I had so much more to say about yesterday like we also ate chicken for National Bird Day.
The potatoes were from the recipe, "Oven Steak Fries," from
The french bread was again "Easy Homemade French Bread" from which I make so often.
Unfortunately I was soooooo tired, I couldn't even stay awake to write what I did write. Jeremy kept waking me up so I could finish my blog post. Sigh.
So I'll take some time now to share more about yesterday.
Besides Bird Day, January 5 was also National Whipped Cream Day so for after school snack I told the kids they could have hot chocolate with whipped topping. Lucky got a penguin mug in his Christmas stocking so he had some fun with it for the holiday.
Lucky: This is his brains.
Oh, no. His brains are melting. Mom, look at this. He's getting less smarter. Less smart.

I love my kids and their creativity.
Jet helped me scrub potatoes again. This time I didn't soak them. At dinner time I broke french bread into little pieces for him but he was able to reach the piece I was breaking it off from and decided to just help himself to that instead. After dinner, he helped clear the table (without being asked). He saw me taking things off and decided to do it, too. Awww. He definitely received praise for that... which makes up for how much of a handful he was later on and earlier on while getting into things. He's still a two-year old.
Since Jr. Jr. is old enough now to start going to youth activities with Jr., that means Lucky gets Mom and Dad to himself (and Jet) while the older kids are gone. So last night he got to finish off the apple juice from the container and he got to eat popcorn while watching a movie with us, "Mr. Popper's Penguins." Lucky loves penguins. He enjoyed that bonding time and it was good to do that with him.

So there we have it. That is the rest of the stuff I should have written about yesterday.

P.S. Today, January 6, was National Cuddle Up Day. Jet and I did.
It was also National Bean Day so besides beans and rice at dinner, the kids ate vanilla melties (vanilla bean, right?) and chocolate melties and drank hot chocolate (cocoa bean). I had some jelly beans (and I drank hot chocolate).
So there you go, yesterday and today.

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