Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Spring Break

For Spring Break this year, Jeremy's parents came to visit. I love them. They told us to plan things we wanted to do so we did. We dragged them out early in the morning to see the sage grouse. It was cold but worth it. It's becoming a fun tradition during Spring Break.
Everybody say, "Sage Grouse."

Jet was very happy when he got to get out and run around. He had so much fun and got upset anytime I tried to put him back in the van. Finally, we had the other side of the van open and he kept pushing me and dragging me until I got in, then he climbed up into the van and over me to get in his seat. Sigh. Toddlers.

Another day of Spring Break we watched a movie with Grandma and Grandpa then had burritos for National Burrito Day on April 7. 

Grandpa and Jeremy took the four older kids to Pioneer Book in Provo to get some new (to them) books. While they were there, I told Jeremy to get pictures of the blossoms on Center Street. He did. 
He also brought me a book, The Ultimate Book of Baking, which is huge. We joked that it's thicker than a Brandon Sanderson book. Jr. picked one of those.
Grandpa said the kids were very chatty on the way there but very quiet on the way back because they were all reading.
Jr. Jr. and Lucky made a fort in the living room that day.

The last day before Grandma and Grandpa left we made a long drive out past Delta to U-Dig Fossils Trilobite Quarry. 
We spent 2 hours splitting rocks and collecting fossils to take home. That was so fun. We could have spent longer but we didn't need to and now we have fossils to last us for many years.
At the end of our time, as others were sorting through rocks deciding what to keep and if pieces could be broken off to make a smaller amount to carry, Jet decided it was time to sit down and throw dirt all around and all over himself. Grandma and Grandpa got a big kick out of seeing where his face got wet and muddy looking and enjoyed reminiscing about Jeremy eating dirt when he was little. Ah, family history.

We got home too late that night to celebrate National Unicorn Day, April 9, with Unicorn Swirl ice cream so we had some with our at-home potluck the next day.
That next day I walked home from church again. It's just easier when choir is right after church. Of course it was the day I decided to wear short sleeves without a jacket and it was starting to get cold again. But the blossoms in the neighborhood were sure pretty. Nichole and I have been sneezing a lot lately. Ah, Spring. Interestingly, we had snow for the next two days in a row after that.

Our bird feeding station didn't fair so well in the storms.

The day I walked home from church, April 10, was also Encourage a Young Writer Day. Nichole had some writing to do and we encouraged her. She was happy with how it turned out.
So that is how Spring Break went for us this year. We enjoyed our time with Jeremy's parents. They were able to watch Jr. give a talk in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday then headed out to spend time with Jeremy's brother and his wife and the newest grandbaby in Idaho. I love family.

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