Monday, December 14, 2020

Serene Sunday?

LightTheWorld Sunday was supposed to be "Serene Sunday," finding some quiet time to reflect on "what brings you closer to God." It was not a quiet Sunday. It was a hectic Sunday. We decided to do latkes and dreidels that day, however when Jeremy and I were planning it, we thought we might try some other foods for Hanukkah. Turns out some foods take a while. Everyone except Jet helped out (some more than others- but everyone did something). This is what we ended up with.

Jeremy made latkes which we ate with sour cream, applesauce, or BBQ sauce. He also made roasted Brussel sprouts. He cut up a pomegranate (because we had one). Nichole and I made challah (I've been wanting to try making that bread for a while). Great braiding, Nichole. I love how it turned out.

While we played dreidel, we drank cocoa since December 13 is National Cocoa Day.

The kids had fun playing dreidel and Jet got really excited watching the dreidel spin. He even tried to figure it out himself. It was so cute to see him holding it with two fingers and dropping it to see what it would do. It will be interesting to see where he is next year with that.

After doing a lot with the food preparation and before we ate and played dreidel, I did take Jet out for a drive. Sometimes going for a drive helps me have a needed break. We drove up to Pleasant Grove so I could see the Christmas star on the mountain. Jeremy told me about it and I wanted to go see it so I finally took the time to do that. It's so nice. 

The radio was playing Handel's "Messiah" which I was in the mood for so that helped. I don't normally listen to the radio on Sunday but I turned it on that day and I'm glad I did. There was so much going on in my head- tuning out distractions didn't really happen- but Heavenly Father still managed to remind me of certain little things while I was driving around. I'm grateful for that.

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