Thursday, December 3, 2020

And Here We Go

Things are hard sometimes. Some years are not so great during the Christmas season. Even though there are plenty of stresses, I believe I'm going into this season with a better attitude than some years. I think a lot of that is because of #GiveThanks around Thanksgiving. I am grateful for so many blessings, including the opportunity to #LightTheWorld even in little ways. Sometimes it's ideas based on the printable calendar. Sometimes it's just doing nice things for my children and changing my attitude about serving them.

*I'll note here that I started writing this blog post last night after thinking about it for a while. I was planning on what I would do for Light the World and was going to get the post up so I could do what was on the Light the World calendar for that day. Unfortunately Jet was having a hard time when I handed him off to Jeremy and I realized it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I do these things according to some schedule. What matters is if I serve. Serving as Jesus did means ministering to those that need it when they need it. That includes my family members. My children are more important than some blog post. So this post is coming later than I was originally planning and that's fine. I currently have a baby sleeping comfortably on my shoulder as I write this and that's better than fine.*
We got a good start to our Countdown to Christmas scripture study with everybody participating. Good job, kids. 

We wanted to keep all the scriptures we'd be using easily accessible so I thought to put them in our picnic basket. Jeremy made the comment, "Talk about feasting upon the word of Christ." Ha Ha.

One thing we started doing because it can be done virtually is we started watching concerts from Temple Square. "The Christmas Collection Concert Series." It started with a virtual tour of Temple Square and the Christmas lights there since it's closed to visitors right now. Most nights through December 23 they'll have concerts featuring a lot of different groups with pre-recorded pieces. Tonight Jeremy commented while we were all watching together how pleasant it was in our home.

Here's what I wanted to share for "Light The World."
December 2- Hero Highlight "Who represents Christlike love to you? Highlight them on social media." I told the kids this was on the Light The World calendar and Lucky immediately told me of his hero: "Jesus should be all of our favorite." I agree. You can't top Him for Christlike love as that is who he is. Lucky and I talked about how Jesus does recognize when others do service and we watched a video about Jesus pointing out the widow who gave what she had. I'd like to share about a couple who are my heroes. Brother and Sister Ahlborn. From bringing us food when we came home from the hospital with a new baby to inviting us over for Family Home Evening pre-pandemic, bringing us fresh garden produce and home canned goods as well as giving us items for our food storage, they serve.
They gave us apple filling which helped us celebrate Mason Jar Day on November 30 when I used it to make apple strudel. Yumm. Oh, that filling was so good.

The Ahlborns don't just care for our temporal needs, they care for us spiritually as well. They encourage us to watch special messages from the prophet and make suggestions to read articles to supplement our gospel study.
They don't just do this for us, either. I know they are like this with others. It's wonderful to hear their insights on our Sunday Zoom meetings for Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society (and Young Women).
While I can't currently get hugs from them, I can feel their love and the love of Christ through their service. Thank you, Ahlborns.

And since this is a post about not only Light the World but about the beginning of December, I will let you know that on December 1 we ate apples for Eat a Red Apple Day and since it was also Rosa Parks Day, I finished watching the Rosa Parks episode of Doctor Who. I fell asleep when we were watching it the other day so it was the perfect day to finish it.

Of course as far as service goes, it's not been just me doing service in our family. Everyone has been finding ways to serve in our home. The other day, Nichole used our Little Women cookbook and made cream puffs from a recipe in it. Good job, Nichole. 

Jr. often takes Jet and gets him to sleep when I'm in the middle of something. That boy has the magic touch. The other day, Jr. Jr. surprised me by doing his homework without complaining while I slept on the couch. Every morning, Lucky collects a mask for his brother as well as himself before they head out the door. Jet brings joy with his laughter and cuteness. Jeremy does so much from grocery shopping to library trips to washing dishes. My family is amazing. I want to recognize that this Christmas season instead of getting overwhelmed and bogged down by some of the hard things of life. 
There will still be hard things, I will still get discouraged from time to time, there will be tears, but if I keep an attitude of gratitude, the positive can outweigh the negative and I can help bring my family closer to the Savior.
(Positive things like Nichole and I getting a new life bird- a long-tailed duck. Bonding time with my daughter... and husband and baby. Woohoo)

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