Thursday, December 10, 2020

Busy Like Grandma

Jeremy and I had some phone calls to make this morning then Jet and I headed to Antelope Island for the afternoon. At first I thought we wouldn't stay too long but then there was so much to see. 

At one point, I decided to head home to make dinner so on the way back I stopped by a spot where I had seen a porcupine in a tree earlier (I love seeing porcupines on Antelope Island). I looked and saw there were actually two porcupines. The second one was moving around eating from the branches. After a bit of watching I noticed there was yet another porcupine moving around in the tree (well, it was a group of trees all together). Three porcupines. 

I watched them for a while then Jet woke up so we stayed a while longer. He snacked like the porcupines while I continued to watch both him and the porcupines. 

Finally, I realized we really needed to go home so I put an unhappy to be going back in his car seat baby back in his car seat and we headed home.

As soon as I got home, I immediately got to work making dinner and helping with various other things my family had need of. Sigh. It was exhausting. As I was unclogging a toilet, I thought about my grandma who was an amazing woman. She was just a tiny thing, smaller than me (and I'm not big), and she did so much. She took care of two grown men (much larger than her) later on in life- my grandpa and my uncle. Both had medical needs, both needed help getting around. I am amazed that she was able to help them up from beds or chairs to wheelchairs or walkers. She had that love for them and was willing to sacrifice for them. What a great example.

Grandma was always happy to welcome (and feed) anyone around, whether it was her own relatives or friends of relatives (some of which later became relatives). When we made those pumpkin cookies last Friday, Jeremy and I told the kids some of our memories about their great grandma. Tonight as we made dinner of burger bundles and twice baked potatoes, both recipes I got from grandma, we shared even more stories. We even had some frozen berries and yogurt with dinner since Grandma had berry bushes.

My grandma was amazing. I'm so glad Jeremy had a chance to know her and be a part of her family and I'm so glad we took the chance to LightTheWorld by sharing some family history stories with our children.

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