Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tulip Festival

April 18-May 3 at Thanksgiving Point is their annual Tulip Festival.  We went together as a family today.  Of course we chose to go on opening weekend.  It was packed.  I've never seen so many people at the Gardens.  There's a reason we went today, though.  Yesterday, Jeremy spent the day at Thanksgiving Point building a balloon sculpture for people to see as they headed into the Gardens.
We wanted to go see it in person as a family.  And decided to stay for the tulips.  Tee Hee.
They were gorgeous.  We went to the Gardens a couple weeks ago when the tulips were green and not blooming yet, but it was amazing to see the change with all the colors.  
Gorgeous.  I'm so glad we went.  We've been looking forward to the Tulip Festival for a while.
 "Tiptoe through the tulips."

Anyway, we continued to make a day of it after we left Thanksgiving Point.  We stopped home for a bit to eat and headed out to do some family photos.  Not your typical family photos, though.  Family photos with... balloons.
Jeremy needed some pictures for work so we got to help him out.
On our way home, we stopped at a friend's house and gave their family these balloons.  We thought the kids might have fun acting out some stories with balloons.  These are good friends, our kids visit them sometimes, so when they opened the door our kids immediately ran in and started playing, even though Jeremy had told them repeatedly we were not staying.  Sigh.  Apparently some of our children did not hear Daddy.
After chasing them back to the van, he told them they needed to act like vampires.  They may not go in unless they are invited in.  We thought that was pretty funny since today, April 19, is Garlic Day.  Also goes along with vampires.
When we got home, we had a late dinner (including garlic bread), and everybody was tired.
The End.
P.S.  It was a good family day.

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