Sunday, October 14, 2012

National Chocolate Covered Insect Day 2012

October 14 is National Chocolate Covered Insect Day.  I had no intention of eating an insect covered in chocolate, although I know there are people who do.  So to celebrate, Nichole and Jr. made up a song about insects.  It was so funny to listen to them.  Each verse started something like this with a little variation, though Jr.'s part stayed the same each time.

Nichole:  Oh, there's something tickling me.  Who's that tickling me?
Then she'd point to Jr. so he knew it was his turn to come in.
Jr.:  It's a bug.  It's a bug.  It's an insect!

Then Nichole would sing about a particular insect: an ant, a fly, a praying mantis, a bee.  But not a spider.  She knows that spiders are arachnids, not insects.

When she reached a caterpillar, she asked if caterpillars are insects, because they have so many legs.  I told her I think they are insects because they only have six real legs.  Everything else is something different they use for moving around.  But if she wanted, we could call Uncle Travis and find out for sure.  Uncle Travis knows a lot about animals.  So we did and sure enough, Uncle Travis let us know that caterpillars that turn into butterflies are insects, only six actual legs... and he was nice enough to listen to the kids telling him knock knock jokes about insects over the phone.  Thanks, Travis.

Now their song wasn't about insects covered in chocolate, so I took care of that a little later.  I stuck pieces of pretzel in a marshmallow to make six legs and used another piece of pretzel to stick on a little mini marshmallow head, then drizzled chocolate syrup on the top.

The kids enjoyed that and I didn't have to deal with real chocolate covered insects.

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