March did not come in like a lion here. However, we did have a little something to do with lions. One of the servers at the Brick Oven is doing a documentary about Jeremy for a class at BYU. So, Jeremy is building a lion for the documentary. It's about halfway done. They're going to film some more later.
When it's done, it should look similar to this:

I wouldn't be surprised if we got a big storm sometime soon, but for now, we'll enjoy this kind of lion.
What's the weather like in your area? Lion? Not so lion?
I wondered what this talk about a documentary was all about. Do we get to see it? Ah, my famous cousin. :)
ReplyDeleteActually, there are two documentaries. One is about Jeremy for a film class (the one in this post). The other (the one he's been talking about on facebook) is a documentary Jeremy is creating about Bubbles, the life size T. rex skeleton we made out of balloons in 2008. For the trailer to the Bubbles documentary, see my post on January 12, 2011. For a still picture of our family with Bubbles, see my post on July 21, 2009.