Friday, March 4, 2011

How to celebrate Dentist's Day

This one is for you, Christine. You want to know our ideas on how to celebrate a holiday before it comes up? Well, there's a holiday coming up this Sunday that could be a special day for you and your children. March 6 is National Dentist's Day. And here are some simple suggestions of how to celebrate.

My daughter has been very interested in making toothbrushes lately. She learned how in school. She takes one piece of paper and cuts slits in it to make bristles, then she glues or tapes a different colored piece to it for the handle. The other day she made an itty bitty one that was so cute.

It is a simple activity for little kids with adult supervision.
Eat some foods that are good for your teeth- apples and milk, for example.

Practice brushing teeth instead of just chewing on the bristles or sucking on the toothpaste.

Make sure they get those back teeth.
And of course, the best activity to do with your children- making cards for that special dentist in your life.

Then send them off in the mail on Monday for a nice surprise (the cards, not the children- though I'm sure the dentist would be thrilled with a visit).

If anyone else has any suggestions about how to celebrate this holiday, feel free to share.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, and how appropriate that it is Dentist Day. :) I'll have to tell Jason.
    Where did you get this calendar that has all the crazy holidays?
