Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Captain Kirk in Space

We got the kids off to school the shortened day before Fall Break and Jeremy saw a Facebook live thing about Blue Origin's rocket making its second manned flight into space. He told me William Shatner was going as the oldest person to ever go into space. 90 years old. I was thinking, 90? That's right because he was on Star Trek back in the 60's. 
Jeremy even told me of some memes that were going around about it making references to Star Trek.
So as we were watching the rocket launch and go I was just watching and watching and all of a sudden it dawned on me and I exclaimed, "Ohhhhh, William Shatner going into space!"
Somehow with all that was going on, Jeremy talking about the Captain Kirk memes and how it was William Shatner going, I didn't get the significance, I just didn't get it that it was William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk in a show and movies about space, who was going to space.
I put my face in my hands because I couldn't believe myself and how long it took me to get it. Jeremy busted out laughing because of my exclamation and how we'd been watching and having this conversation about it for maybe half an hour before I got it.
They made it safely back to Earth and I still laughed at myself.

That day, October 13, was Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work/School Day. Lucky put Baby Bear in his backpack and kept him there through school. 

Since it was a short school day leading into Fall Break, we went to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I love this annual tradition. Some favorites were...

Then we found Waldo in several places around the garden.
We also played in the leaves.

We stopped at the Water Tower Plaza for a moment for Jeremy to run in the Butterfly Biosphere gift shop to see if they had any chocolate covered insects for the holiday on October 14. They didn't and apparently Thanksgiving Point doesn't carry them anymore. Ah, man. But I got this picture through the windshield.
It was good family time.

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