Sunday, November 21, 2021

Bison Day 2021

Mom (when someone pointed out there was a spray bottle in the van): Why is the spray bottle in here anyway?
Jr.: To fill up the Great Salt Lake.

National Bison Day was November 6 this year and like last year, we celebrated it on Antelope Island.
Before we got there, we stopped by my sister's house so I could chat with her and her daughter and give them homemade french bread. I love my sister. And my niece. And the rest of my sister's family of course. I didn't mean to exclude them. It's just that my niece and my sister were the ones I interacted with the most this trip. Tee Hee.

On Antelope Island, we took pictures with the bison statues again.

We really wanted to get into Bison Day this year not just with the real animals but with other bison-related items. That meant clothing and toys. But I totally forgot to bring the "buffalo ranch" Pringles. Sigh.

It wasn't as windy as last year so we had a pleasant time outside the van at Garr Ranch and especially in the bird area. 
What does the sheep say? Baa Baa.


Nichole decided to practice field sketching a great horned owl there as well as taking some photos of it.

At one point while driving around, the boys had their devices, Nichole watched them play, and Jeremy and Jet slept so I parked in a pullout area and just relaxed watching the bison for a while. It was nice.
Since November 6 was also Nachos Day, that's what we had for dinner when we got home.
It was another great Bison Day and I'm so glad we celebrated.

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