Saturday, November 13, 2021

One of Those Days

We were preparing for our at-home potluck in October. I was helping Nichole with french bread (since I've made it once or twice or ten times) for her garlic bread when Jet got into a cupboard and came running with a mini rolling pin to help even though I was patting out the dough instead of rolling it out.
Later when we were going to make pizza dough, Jet grabbed the measuring cup of sugar, Jr. tried to stop him, the sugar went flying, and as Jr. got Jet away our glass bowl got knocked off the table and shattered. After time spent cleaning it up, Jeremy brought out a box we got for our wedding. It was a repeat of another set of mixing bowls and measuring cups and spoons. We've been using the one set since we got married. We lost one large glass mixing bowl and a 1-cup glass measuring cup years ago but we've been using all the other items until the smaller glass bowl broke that day. Jeremy just got everything out of the box since we know we're going to use them all (and it will be nice to have a 1-cup liquid measuring cup again since we can't measure out just 1/4 cup in all our liquid measuring cups). 
Anyway, I also cleaned up the sugar. I was going to have the boys proof the yeast in that mixing bowl originally then I figured they could just do it in the measuring cup. They put the water, yeast, and sugar in but took too long gathering the other ingredients so the yeast mixture just kept growing and growing and growing. Ha Ha Ha Ha. It was October, right? "It's coming to get you. Bwah ha ha ha." I'll make sure the boys proof the yeast in the mixing bowl next time.

I think that was it for the disasters that day. The food turned out well.

Speaking of food disasters, I love that Jet wants to be my baking buddy and my dishes buddy. As a toddler, though, he's quick. A few days before the at-home potluck. I decided to make baguettes.
I had a cup of flour out for putting a bit on the table at a time to work with the dough. I took the dough away to put in the baguette pans so Jet decided to dump out the remaining flour and work with that by itself.
Yes, I resorted to putting on a kids' show to distract him while I cleaned up. After I took him out of his clothes and cleaned him up with the sink, of course.

On a different note but related to him wanting to be a helper, Jet likes to help feed the birds. He takes a handful of peanuts to put out for the scrub jays. While we were out one day, the scrub jays came down while he was still laying out peanuts in different places. They used to do that with Jr. Jr. in the summertime.

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