Monday, March 4, 2024

Parent Teacher Conferences

Jeremy was not available to go to Parent Teacher Conferences for Lucky with me. He had a big build at Thanksgiving Point. In fact, Jet and I delivered some balloons to him that day (we're big helpers).
Lucky's teacher said so many good things about him and how he's the type of kid that makes her love teaching. I don't say this to brag but to tell a funny story. During the conference with the teacher it was decided since Dad wasn't there, we would fool him into thinking Lucky wasn't doing so well. Lucky told me he could even make himself cry to go along with it. Man, that kid is good. Red eyes and everything.

While we were at the school we checked out Lucky's contribution to the Art Show. A pendant. Way to go, Lucky.
Jeremy was a little concerned when I hesitated while saying the teacher said Lucky had some things he could work on (she did, as in she wanted to push him even more so he could continue to grow). He wasn't that surprised when he found out we weren't serious. Tee Hee. Way to go, Lucky.

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