Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Some More September Catching Up

September 17 was Monte Cristo Day. Of course we made Monte Cristo sandwiches. 
Jeremy even decided to "count the Monte Cristo." Get it?
Twice now we've done Monte Cristo Day during Shelftember where I have gone out and bought raspberry jam (you have to have raspberry jam for Monte Cristo sandwiches). One of these years I'm going to buy it in August so I can say I'm really keeping to Shelftember by already having it on my shelf. Tee Hee.
September 19 was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Lucky and I went over to the Orem Library and picked up some pirate themed movies and books. For dinner we had squid pups, carrot hooks, carrot pieces of eight, something red and sticky, oranges to avoid scurvy, some bread, and ocean blue colored flavored sugar water.
The 21st night of September, Jeremy and the boys watched videos with Earth, Wind & Fire's music, "September." 
September 23 was the first day of Fall this year. I love Fall.

On National Family Day, September 25, we went to another event at the Orem Library. We saw friends there that we had dinner at their house the night before. Jeremy came in a bit late (work) then he and I took turns listening to the music and wrangling Jet out in the hall. Love that kid.
September 26 was National Pancake Day. It was also Johnny Appleseed Day (one of a couple in the year) so we had pancakes and apple cider.
September 27 was National Chocolate Milk Day so we had chocolate milk with our dinner.
Lucky had a presentation about Sevier County in Utah. I told him I went to that county specifically for birding last year. He told me that the inventor of the frisbee was from that county.

Another time, he made a salt dough map of Utah. Way to go, Lucky.
Jr. Jr. had his first public performance for orchestra. At parent teacher conferences the beginning orchestra showed some things they'd been working on then afterward, the students were able to teach those that came to support them how to hold a bow correctly. Way to go, Jr. Jr.

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