Saturday, February 18, 2023

Will You Be My Valentine? Yes.

I asked Jeremy to be my Valentine. He said Yes.
He gave me the sucker.

Throughout the beginning of February leading up to Valentine's Day, I followed an idea given by Six Sisters' Stuff. I printed out little cards that they had on their website and attached them to little gifts for Jeremy. It wasn't every day but it was frequent. I also didn't buy anything specific for it. I just used things I had around home. I just happened to buy bananas earlier in the week when that one came up later in the week. I didn't spend money on this but it was a way that Jeremy knew I loved him and was thinking of him.

He expressed several times how much he liked that I did this for him. He even followed my example and made a little card to print out and attach to a present for me. He is a sweetheart.

Jr. Jr. and Lucky both designed Valentine's cards for the students in their class (with some help from Dad) and Jr. Jr. decorated a box. I got a big kick out of it.
On Valentine's Day, the kids and I made heart-shaped pizza. Yumm.
One of the crusts cracked in half so we made a broken heart pizza.

The day after, Jeremy and I planned to go on a date. We were going to walk a certain trail, birding, but it was so cold and windy that day, we ended up eating our Winco salads (traditional date food), while watching birds from the van. Lots of water fowl. Then we drove to another spot and spent a few minutes watching more water fowl from the van. It is interesting that you can see different birds at different spots even though they are both on the water. At the first spot we saw wigeons, Canada geese, green-wing teals, gulls, some mallards, and a few other birds like that. At the second spot we saw more mallards, but we also saw wood ducks and a goldeneye.

That evening, Jeremy and I took some time for ourselves again. While four of our kids were at activities, we attended a UCB meeting over Zoom, talking about birding in Yellowstone. You know we love Yellowstone. And birds.
Oh, yeah. One more thing. Jr. said on Valentine's Day it was Singles Awareness Day so he asked if he could put a Singles packet in his water bottle. I told him he could and anybody else who asked.

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