Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Day 2015

I had a fun little moment picking up produce at the store today.  Jr. Jr. was asking me about the fruits and vegetables we were getting.  I told him we should get red apples and he suggested we not only get red apples, but green apples, too.  I told him that I used green apples when I made the pie recently for Pie Day.  I could make another apple pie.  Jr. Jr. wanted the green apples just to eat.
We needed to get potatoes so Daddy could make homemade french fries to go with our homemade imitation groundhog burgers (to celebrate Groundhog Day). 
We also talked about getting avocados and tomatoes so I could make 7-layer dip (for no particular holiday that we can think of- Jeremy was mentioning that he wanted some and avocados were on sale). 
Then we also had to get some strawberries to go with pavlova that I am going to make on Saturday for Ballet Day.
It was just fun thinking that we're actually making all these things (whether we have holidays to use them for or not).  Homemade burgers, fries, pie, bean dip, and pavlova (though that last one I'm actually going to try for the first time so we'll see how it turns out).  We make things.

I did not however make hamburger buns.  They weren't very expensive so I just bought some.  I have made hamburger buns in the past, though, but didn't have the time or table space today since Jeremy needed it for making the burgers and fries.  And we didn't make our own pickles, or grow our own onions, etc. etc.  And that's o.k.  But my husband is more thank o.k., he is awesome.

P.S.  My husband wrote that last sentence while I wasn't looking, but it's true, so I'm leaving it in.

1 comment:

  1. And of course Jeremy and I started watching Groundhog Day, but got tired and didn't stay up.
