Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Harry Houdini

In honor of Harry Houdini's birthday, March 24, I thought I'd show pictures of some of our magic tricks over the years.

In no particular order...

Jeremy doing a magic show for the Orem Library Summer Reading Program, when we built Wonderland out of balloons.

Nichole the Magnificent and Jr. doing balancing pencil tricks during our Chinese New Year get together with friends.

Now you see it.
Now you don't.
But where has it gone?
Oh, there it is.

Just how long can a balloon animal keep its shape?
Months and months and months if you leave it in one spot and don't touch it.

Nichole the Magnificent and "the ghost box."

Magically making water appear in a vase.

Looking through pictures (I don't have much time to look through pictures right now, especially if I want to get this blog post up today), I couldn't find very many of Jeremy doing his magic shows. A lot of times he's doing it when we're not around, and when we are around, I don't always take pictures.
Nichole has been very interested in learning magic tricks just like Daddy so there has been a lot of that going on in our home lately. Thanks to Jeremy's parents who got her a starting magic set (nose glasses not included).

It turns out my grandma was a magician, too. When Jeremy and I got married, we inherited a lot of things from my grandparents' home. We got a set of picture frames, three hinged together. In the frames were school pictures for two of my brothers and me. This morning, Jr. was taking it down off my dresser and the back of one of the frames slid off. Jeremy looked at the back of the picture where it was labeled. This is what could be heard.
Jeremy: This is when Mommy was in 2nd grade. 7 years old.
Kristin: No way, that picture was when I was in high school.
Jeremy: Wait, this says Kim E.
He slid it out to realize that behind my picture was a picture of my sister when she was in elementary school. Then he realized that in front of that picture was another school picture of me or one of my siblings. Jeremy and the kids pulled out what was in the other frames to find that in each of the three frames there were about five of our school pictures.

I knew we had another set of two frames hinged together so I got that out and slid the back off to find that sure enough, there were stacks of pictures in those frames, too. Apparently when Grandma got new pictures of us to put in the frames, she didn't get rid of the old pictures, she just put the new pictures in front.

So today we found these hidden treasures. Quite a nice trick, don't you think?
And just in time for Harry Houdini's birthday.


  1. The kids and I watched a clip of Houdini escaping from a straitjacket while hanging upside down. Then we read a short biography of him. Did you know he was born in Hungary?

  2. I recognize that picture. (The picture you're holding in the last picture.)
