Saturday, August 29, 2020

What They Missed- August 17

Monday, August 17-
The day they came back.
I sewed two more masks before putting the sewing stuff away. Lucky and Jr. Jr. were having fun with them.
Lucky: My precious.
The boys were saying, "If you want your precious, you have to wear a mask." They are silly.
When they found out Dad and the other kids were coming home that night, they said they won't be able to get in. I told them Dad has keys. They started brainstorming how to make some sort of magnet that would get his keys away from him. They tried to get Jet in on it, too, asking him to distract Mom so they could do these things. They interpreted his looks as his willingness to help out.
I love the creativity in this family.

Jet had fun cleaning Mommy's face since she cleans his so often.

There were more things due at the library so we took back library items and recycled glass. I remembered to put the glass in the van this time. In the van, the boys had paper and clipboards to work on their plan for when Dad got home. They also challenged each other to draw different things.
We drove up to Bridal Veil Falls again. Jr. Jr. didn't want to get out (it was too hot at 97 degrees). Lucky did want  to get out. We parked in a spot where we could see the falls well from the van and both boys ended up getting out. They threw rocks while Jet slept.

Both boys put masks on without me asking them to even though there were no people near our van at all. I think they'll be able to handle getting into the habit of face masks for school.
I tried to take pictures of the boys with the falls in the background. Lucky explained that it was "too sunny."

When we got home, the boys "locked" me in my room with Jet as a distraction so they could "carry out their plan."

Later Jr. Jr. fed Jet so I could do dishes.
Lucky helped make pizza.
The boys took out the garbage and fed the birds.

For my Family Home Evening lesson, I used The Friend magazine for August 2020. We sang "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man." We read Helaman 5:12 and talked about building our foundation on Jesus Christ and not something else. If you follow him you'll be okay even with the storms of life.
Jr. Jr. built a structure out of cards that was easy to knock down.

Lucky built a structure out of blocks that was... easy to knock down. He kept redoing it until it was hard to knock down. The cards were always going to be easy to knock down. Anyway, they got the idea and had a lot of fun.

Jr. Jr.'s treat was marshmallows dipped in chocolate. We had to hold off on the activity because we ran out of time.

Jeremy, Nichole, and Jr. came home. Yippee! I love them so much and was happy to see them. Jet was a little hesitant at first but quickly warmed up to them.
They were exhausted. But they're home!

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