Friday, August 21, 2020

What They Missed- August 9

Sunday, August 9-
We watched Music & the Spoken Word then had a gospel discussion about outside and inside influences and watched a fortification video that the couple who minister to us recommended. The video can be found with the Come, Follow Me lesson on for August 3-9, Alma 43-52
That afternoon the Primary had a Zoom Singing Time. The boys loved it. They were asked something good that happened this week. Our boys said, "Our oldest siblings went to visit grandparents so we have the house to ourselves," and pointing at Jet, "This little guy is crawling and can pull himself to standing while holding something." That's something since the last time I was at church and in Primary with these people was before Jet was born. 
Jet tried out finger feeding himself and he played with water on his food tray. 
It was National Rice Pudding Day so I made a recipe from the May 2015 The Friend magazine. I'd been wanting to do this recipe for Rice Pudding Day for years and I finally did. Hooray!
I also tried out yet another new recipe from and it was a success and so easy that I'll definitely be making it again.

Again, Lucky wanted to make sure I was writing down all the things he was doing for me such as refilling my water bottle and holding the baby and bringing me things for the baby.
He held the flashlight for me while I changed lightbulbs in the boys' room and when Jet woke up, Jr. Jr. took care of him while I finished up with the bulbs. 
There was also feeding birds and watering dying plants.
I decided to try my hand at making face masks (even though I really don't have the time) since I have quite a bit of scrap fabric that can be used. I managed to cut out pieces for one mask that day.

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