Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hello, 2022

I can't believe everyone was still awake at midnight, and I mean everyone.
Here's Jet helping Nichole brush her teeth at 11:48pm.
Then he was running around like crazy going between rooms and family members. I looked at my clock at 12:01am and said Happy New Year while Jr. Jr. and Lucky watched a movie in our room. They started another movie after I fell asleep on my bed but didn't finish it because Lucky fell asleep and slept the rest of the night/morning across the foot of our bed. When Jr. Jr. noticed Lucky was asleep, he turned the movie off and went to bed in his own bed. Nichole and Jr. watched a movie in the living room then Nichole went to bed in her own room and Jr. fell asleep on the couch. Jeremy fell asleep in our bed. 
I woke up in the morning when Jeremy did (to get ready to go birding with Nichole and a friend) and asked, "Where's Jet?" "Right next to you," Jeremy told me. At some point Jet ended up asleep in our bed.
As Nichole was getting ready to go, she placed things on Jr. since she would have put them on the couch anyway. "He doesn't care," she said. "He hasn't made any objections."
It was very cold but they enjoyed seeing the birds.
We toasted the New Year with sparkling cider and Jet got such a kick out of everyone clinking cups together, he got a hold of a cup and kept hitting others' cups with it himself. He also screamed, "Happy New Year!" a few times after hearing us say it. It was a cute scream.

And nobody was too cranky when they got up. Yay!

Happy New Year and Hello to 2022. 

Hey, today is 1-1-22. Fun, isn't it?

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