Friday, November 13, 2015

Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day 2015

November 12 was Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day.
I mentioned last month how I hoped we wouldn't miss this holiday this year.  Well, we didn't.  I made sure to celebrate even though it was a busy day.  Jeremy mentioned to me yesterday morning when I was listing all the things that I had going on that day, that the day was just like pizza with the works except anchovies- so much to it.
I got up early to make pizza dough then made egg and sausage pizza for breakfast.  As I was finishing up the food, we did scripture study with the family. 
After dropping the kids off at school, the little boys and I came home for just a few minutes before heading back to the school to watch Jr. juggle two balls for his class talent show.  Then we went home for a little while before heading back again to watch Nichole whistle for her grade talent show.  While at home, before and after her talent show, I worked on baking pizza dough and adding toppings.  Because it was a crazy day, I had to simplify.  We didn't have the works, but after picking up the kids from school, we had pepperoni and olive pizza.
Then we took Nichole to dance class where I helped Jr. do some homework.  When we got home from dance, we had pepperoni pizza then I tried to help Jr. with a report he was writing, but I couldn't stay awake. 
I forgot to get a picture before there was only one piece left, but you know what pepperoni pizza looks like.

As I mentioned before, I got up early to make pizza dough and that was after I stayed up late the night before checking kids' homework so they could fix any mistakes.  I managed to get Lucky to bed last night before I crashed on the couch.  Jr. continued to work on his report before he went to bed.  So when I woke up in the middle of the night, I looked all over for his report so I could read through it to know what kind of help I could give him when I got him up early this morning.  I looked and looked and looked.  I was finally about to give up when I saw that he had hung it up on the wall.  It was actually a really good spot for it.  If I'd only thought to look for it there.  So I was able to look through it before I went back to sleep in my own bed this time instead of on the couch.
I got up really early again this morning to clean off the table for Jr. to have a place to work when I woke him up early.  His report turned out really well, by the way.  He did a great job on it and he worked so hard.  Poor little guy.  He was so tired.  But I'm proud of him.
So yeah, yesterday was like pizza with the works except anchovies with how much was going on.  And now I'm up late again writing this blog post.  But at least the kids and I can all sleep in tomorrow morning (heh heh, we'll see) since we don't have anything scheduled until the afternoon.  I am not setting the alarm.

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