Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Work Like a Dog Day Again?

Wait.  Wasn't it just Work Like a Dog Day?  Well, August 26 is National Dog Day so I took it as a challenge to work like a dog again.  This time I tackled the kids' room.  I do not have a before picture.  Let's just say it was a MESS.  Now the room is not a mess. 
The living room is.  I had to leave everything in there so I could sort through it.  It took the whole day just to get most everything out of the kids' room.  I didn't get a chance to attack under the bunk bed or on the kids' beds but I did get to vacuum some not so visited places.  I moved both the dresser and Jr. Jr.'s bed.  I was able to vacuum under the crib and even took out the bottom drawer of the crib dresser so I could vacuum under that area.  This was after spending about an hour this morning unclogging the vacuum.  One day while we were vacuuming a toy accidentally got sucked up into the hose.  We didn't realize at the time what a block it caused.  I realized today when I could get no suction.  So I attacked the vacuum and I won.  Now it works so well.  So after I sort through the kids' stuff in the living room and put some back in their room (I really want to get rid of a lot), I'll be able to vacuum the living room and have it go so well.
Anyway, in other news, we also had hot dogs for dinner to celebrate National Dog Day.
The End.

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