Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring Break Means Break From Spring?

For Draw a Picture of a Bird Day, April 8, the kids and I decided to do some bird watching (and bird drawing).  It was quite the weather as we set out.  By the time we reached the spot where we were going to bird watch, it had finally stopped raining and snowing, but it was cold and windy.  We went out for a little walk anyway.  We saw seagulls, grebes, Canadian geese, ducks, shore swallows, and some other birds.  But it was cold and windy so we didn't stay that long.
After that we headed to another spot where we could stay in the van but still watch ducks.  A couple of the kids didn't want to stay in the van, though, so they got out to jump around in the precipitation for a few minutes.

We stopped home for a pit stop then headed on to the library to pick up a hold and get some books.  I checked out a few books about birds in case anyone wanted to look at pictures to draw them.

On the way home we stopped by Hill Park because the lighting on the lake was so pretty I wanted to take a picture.  It wasn't raining or snowing so we also took a few turns around the park.
It was a pleasant day even if it was cold and windy.  We had fun.
And here are pictures of birds that were drawn on this day.
Jr. Jr.:

It's fun to compare them to pictures drawn of birds last year on this holiday.

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