Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kid Inventors' Day 2013

Celebrating Benjamin Franklin's birthday, January 17 is Kid Inventors' Day (not only did Benjamin Franklin invent when he was an adult, but he did also when he was a kid).

When I told my kids this morning that it was Kid Inventors' Day, they literally jumped up and down for joy.  As you know, my kids love to create and loved that Mom was expecting them to use their creativity on this day.  Here are some of the inventions they came up with this evening.  I asked them about how they created their inventions and this is what they told me:

Nichole (she created something to shine light through to show up red on the other side)-
Well, at first I needed the ingredients and those were construction paper, tape, empty water bottle, red tissue paper, a flashlight, and then I taped the tissue paper to the open part and I taped the construction paper around the water bottle, turned on the flashlight, and the color changed.  And that's how I made my invention.

Jr. (similar to Nichole's but his has a tail)-
Well, at first I needed tissue paper and then construction paper and tape and then an empty old water bottle and then I needed a flashlight, popsicle sticks and then the color changed and also that is how I made my invention.

Jr. Jr. (I gave him a box of crayons and some paper so he could create, too)-
Uh, uh, a name of my invention of crayons
my paper of box of crayons
pajamas, monster pajamas
a box of crayons
crayons of Monkey Island
I say crayons of Monkey Island.
Uh, I take crayons of Monkey Island.

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