Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Appreciate a Dragon Day 2013

What's this?
 Why it's Jr.'s new dragon, of course. 
Welcome.  We appreciate you being a part of our home and all that you've done for us today:

Helping with dishes and refilling the soap dispenser,
Helping Jeremy get a picture of a balloon robot (Doctor Who cyberman) on his We Made It Wednesday feature on facebook.
Getting Jr. Jr. breakfast and getting the mail.
Reminding me that when the new FamilyFun Magazine came in the mail I needed to get back on task.
Being there for me to talk to and reminding me to keep hydrated.
Helping with menu planning and with wiping the table.
Helping Jeremy take boxes out.
Practicing the names of colors with Jr. Jr. and supervising his coloring.
Snuggling with Jr. at home and on his way to visit a friend.
Helping Jr. Jr. practice zipping and unzipping and helping us do laundry.
Hanging out with us during lunch while we watched Doctor Who.
Supervising as I made dinner and as Jr. set the table.
Helping Nichole with her homework.
Coming with us to take Nichole to dance class and playing in the snow with the kids (or above the snow; they were very careful not to drop you).
Snuggling and roughhousing with the boys.
Watching over the kids as they read books at bedtime.
Thank you for being a part of our day.  We appreciate you.
 Happy Appreciate a Dragon Day.

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