Thursday, January 7, 2010


Jeremy and I have been organizing. Last night we went through a bunch of recipes I inherited from my Grandma when we got married. We threw away a lot, but kept some to look through again later. Today, Jeremy fixed our shelving in our bedroom closet. It was uneven and we didn't want the fragile items we were putting there to slide off. We're taking a lot out of the office and putting it in other closets. Then Jeremy can have his work stuff in there and I can have my craft stuff in there, instead of all over the living room.

We also went through our closet and got rid of a bunch of clothes to donate to Deseret Industries. We were ruthless. We had to be. It was hard to get rid of some clothes that I like, but don't really wear. I had to keep reminding myself to be ruthless. I made sure I tried some on and had Jeremy take pictures of me being cute.

Now I did decide to keep the big red coat, not because I actually wear it outside, but we'd been saving some clothes for the kids to use as dress up clothes, and thought it would be fun for the adults to have some dress up clothes as well. Besides all the clothes that we use for dressing up to do balloon gigs, of course. I can be Mrs. Claus in such a coat.


  1. Its hard but it sure feels good to get rid of clutter. I need to do that again before we move.

  2. Good for you! (now the facebook statuses make sense) :) I think that's a cool idea though to keep some dress up clothes for the adults - you never know when you might need something like a Mrs. Claus coat.

  3. And in our line of work, it wouldn't be surprising if we were asked to dress up to do balloons for a Christmas party.

  4. I stand in awe of your ruthlessness. I need to get there, but the lack of energy.... eh. Bring on nesting energy, please.
