Sunday, December 12, 2021

Mom is Old

Ever since I turned 40, the kids have been doing old jokes about me. I tried to explain how I couldn't be that old, I still had an infant, but that didn't stop them.
Jr. started it and others caught on. Sometimes he would do it so subtly that I wouldn't catch it at first that he was making a joke about my age, like when someone asked what an antique was and Jr. just happened to use me as an example. I didn't even tell the kids about how when I was a kid, we would joke about my parents and how they had pet dinosaurs in their youth, they were that old. My children just figured out how to do it themselves. 
Some examples of their joking:
When they found out that Harry Potter turned 40 a few months after me (based on his birth year, according to J.K. Rowling). "And he's still alive?"
Later, the kids decided that I was in my 80s. "40 years old? That's half of Mom's age."
Discussing black widow spiders. Jr.: The people most in danger from black widow spider bites are the very young and the very frail so naturally I thought of you after the second statement. 
Another child: Oh, because she's 80.

I was talking about when I was in college.
Jr. Jr.: When you were 45.

Mom: I turned 9 that year.
Jr.: You mean 49.
Jr.: That joke never gets old. Unlike you, Mom.

While watching "The Christ Child" for #LightTheWorld, we mentioned how Mary was so young when she was pregnant with baby Jesus. Jr. said I was so young, too. I mentioned I wasn't that young when I was pregnant with Nichole. Jr. assured me I was that young when I was around during those days. Over two thousand years ago?

Jr. Jr.: For the service angel, I should draw a picture of you and send it around.
Jr.: Because she's so old, she should have died a long time ago.

Nichole: You're so old that Santa is practically a baby to you.

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