Friday, December 17, 2021

Busy Week

It has been a busy week. We got a new mattress and box spring for our room so we had to get rid of the old ones and get the new ones in there. I had some helpers and "helpers."
Sure, Mommy, I'll help you organize things in your room. 
Hold me. 
Read me a story (or three). 
Blow bubbles. 
Oh, you've only got 20-something minutes left on the dryer. I'll push the power button then push random buttons and start it again. 
More books! 
I'll help you sort through clothes... by throwing them on the floor.
You mean you wanted to put the clothes in here?
Let's play dress up.
Hold me more.

I'll help you, too. 
Watch me juggle. 
See what I brought home from school?

I'll help you.

Monkeys jumping on the bed for National Monkey Day, December 14. I gave them strict instructions not to fall off and bump their heads.

Thank you, all my helpers.

Once the old mattress was gone, the kids wanted to play with Nichole's old dog toy since there was so much space before putting the new mattress in. The dog chases the ball around which they gave to Jet so the dog chased him around.

Then we got the new mattress in our room so there was room on the living room floor again.

Monday, December 13, was Violin Day. Nichole played violin. It was also Cocoa Day. Some family members drank cocoa.
Also this week the kids had a "snow day." Because of the weather overnight, the school district canceled school Wednesday. Well, sort of. They made it a "distance learning day," which means the kids still had schoolwork to do, they just did it from home. Remember when schools were shut down for the end of the 2019-2020 school year? The kids had to do all their schoolwork at home. Gone are the days of actual "snow days" when the kids have a free day to play in the snow at home. Now they can have a full day of school at home, which means an actual full day because the kids are all trying to share the computer and it takes so long.

President Nelson came out with a video on Thursday encouraging us to find personal ways to "help others experience the light of Jesus Christ this Christmas." It made me feel like I needed to try again to #LightTheWorld better even with being so busy. So I looked at the calendar for December 16 and made food to give to someone before running errands that evening. It felt good.

Saturday, December 18, is Maple Syrup Day so the kids made waffles and had syrup with them. It is also Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Jr. wore what he wore to his last concert. His orchestra was performing at an end of the semester assembly. The high school and the junior high encouraged people to wear Christmas sweaters that day. 

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