Saturday, December 4, 2021

Light The World

And just like that, we're in December and pretty much caught up. It makes a difference when we've all been sick again and haven't done as much celebrating. But we're ready to do good, even if a lot of it's done from home. 
Like in years past, I won't post about every act of service going on. Some things don't need to be mentioned on social media. The important thing is we find ways to serve every day- to show love like Jesus did.
So let's Light The World with Love.
On Sunday, November 28, we kicked off the season watching a "Witnesses of Christ" concert on the Church's YouTube channel.
And Jr. made us no-bake cookies.

Monday, November 29, the kids and I had a good Family Home Evening discussion about how the Lord has given us everything. When someone does something nice for you, you want to do something nice back to them. Jr. Jr. brought up the scripture Mosiah 2:17 "...when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." We can give back to the Lord by serving others. Which brought up the "service angel," a picture of an angel that can be passed around in our home when someone gives service to someone else. Jeremy started making a 3 dimensional service angel out of a paper cup and cardstock a while back. During FHE, I mentioned Nichole could draw a picture based on that and Lucky immediately grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing it himself. Nicely done, Lucky. Unfortunately a little later, Jet got a hold of Lucky's paper and decided to "help" as toddlers do. Lucky did not get very upset, though. He was just disappointed. It's too bad Jet drew on his paper.
The printable calendar for #LightTheWorld started on Tuesday, November 30. "Giving Tuesday." This year, besides the calendar with daily prompts, there is another calendar for children. It has the same daily themes, November 30 is "Freely Give" on both calendars for example, but some of the ideas are a little different. December 4, "Love Thy Neighbor," on the regular calendar says, "Jesus taught us the true definition of loving our neighbor. Have a conversation with a neighbor you don't know well." On the children's calendar it says, "Jesus taught us to love the people around us. With your family, visit a neighbor and get to know them better." The calendar comes with a matching color by number picture so each time you do service, you can color the numbers that fit that day.
In order to "freely give" on Tuesday, I took Lucky's picture that he started and erased all of Jet's marks from it. He was happy about that and was able to finish the picture. We made a copy and Lucky started the service angel picture going around. 
That night, Nichole and I took some bonding time going around the lights outside the Orem Library, and when we got home, she said, "Happy Giving Tuesday," and handed me a Hershey's peppermint kiss. Mmmm. Sweet treat and sweet girl.
Wednesday, December 1, "Let Your Love Shine," and Thursday, December 2, "Wise Man's Gift," I sent texts of appreciation and love to some people. On December 2, Lucky thanked me each time I reminded him of something.
Friday, December 3, "The Christ Child," the kids and I watched "The Christ Child" on and talked about it. I could relate to Mary because I've gone through labor five times. Nichole could relate to Mary because Mary was also a young woman at the time. Jr. pointed out how the shepherds went from Aggggh when the angel first appeared to awe at the tidings to awww when they went to see baby Jesus. Then I fell asleep during a discussion about why the wise men were called "wise."
Saturday, December 4, "Love Thy Neighbor," Jeremy gave someone a ride to work. It wasn't even out of the way for him to pick this person up. Such an easy act of service to him but it makes a big difference for this person who would have a harder time getting to work if Jeremy didn't do it. Don't discount the "little things." Service is service. 
On Friday, Nichole stayed after class to continue an art project her sculpture class was working on together. She had the time. After the last class of the day is free time. She had to wait so long before I picked her up anyway. So instead of sitting around reading a book, she helped out to get more done before next week's class. Service is service.

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